Lean in, learn & explore to transform your lives together.

Dogs can support our expansion, growth, and healing, by illuminating our shadow sides, allowing us to see and nurture them.

I have come to honour that I can often read between the lines, and understand where things might be imbalanced for you and your dog. The invitation they bring you. The mirroring they offer you. The awakening in you. The action they call upon you.

I can often interpret their teachings for you. And along the way, help you help them.

It all starts with you understanding them, so you can start to listen.

Dogs are highly intuitive and instinctual beings, and we have so much to learn from them.

A new way of looking at and healing your relationship with yourself and your dog.

What To Expect

Together we will unpack your unique history with your dog (and maybe other challenging relationships in your life), and how it is impacting you, while also finding effective solutions for their behaviour.

We will consider these questions:

What might be causing their behaviour?

Why is it so triggering?

What are they inviting into your awareness, for you?

What are they here to teach you?

Why does it feel so hard?

What can we change to help them change?

How can we experience more joy together?

Is Coaching Right For Me?

Coaching is right for you if you are ready to:

✓ Explore the root cause of your dog’s behaviours that trigger you, embarrass you, confuse you, or hurt you

✓ Understand how you can support your dog (and yourself) through behaviour or emotional challenges

✓ Repair your disconnect and deepen your relationship with your dog, and yourself

✓ Explore the connection between your energy and your dog’s behaviour

✓ Work through overwhelm or training burn-out

Understand your dog and how you can help them feel safe.

✓ Discover what your dog is inviting you to uncover or heal within yourself, why your dog came to be here together, and what your dog might be here to teach you

✓ Create solutions for your dog’s behaviour concerns

✓ Explore the feelings your dog brings out in you

✓ Understand how to connect to your intuition and inner knowing with your dog

✓ Learn how to ground yourselves and recover after conflict, and new ways to manage your stress

✓ Regulate your nervous system when out with your dog

Coaching Options

Private Coaching

Curiosity Coaching

One 60-minute session - $199

For those looking for immediate emotional support and insights into their dog’s behaviour.

Deep Dive Coaching

Four-60 minute sessions - $799

For those looking to deepen their connections with their dogs and themselves through ongoing support.

Group Coaching

Join our emotional support community, hosted by Annika, and connect with people just like you. Plus get access to an exclusive Facebook group, and Private Signal text group.

Gentle Support

Group call once a month $44/month


Group calls twice a month $88/month